The open alternative in live broadcast graphics
Do more with less
SPX Graphics is an ecosystem of professional graphics tools and services, all with the goal of making live graphics workflow simpler.
We believe that 80% of all broadcast graphics can be replaced with SPX for a fraction of the cost, without sacrificing quality or reliability.
Open Platform
Our core concept is being "open".
You have the choice of running SPX On-Prem or in the Cloud, integrating with your existing production software, and customizing SPX to fit your workflow.
We leave the control to you, because we deeply understand how important flexibility is for broadcast professionals.
HTML Graphics
SPX is a pioneer in HTML Graphics. We are modernizing the graphics industry by bringing the power of the web to broadcast graphics.
HTML graphics means that you have more freedom in how you create your graphics, integrate data with APIs, and accessing the vast pool of web developers to work with.

SPX Live Demo
Try the SPX Graphics Controller LIVE.
Demo instance runs in SPX Cloud. Open a rundown, select an item and click PLAY.
As this is a shared instance, there may be others using it at the same time. Demo settings are reset every 15 minutes automatically.
Realtime output from the live demo.
SPX Graphics works seamlessly with your favorite tools
For TV broadcasters, event productions and streamers
SPX Graphics Controller

A powerful yet lightweight playout solution for managing and controlling HTML graphic templates.
Versatile : Runs On-Prem and/or Cloud. Supports Windows / Linux / MacOS.
API-Native : Integrates with OBS, vMix, Wirecast, Top Director, LiveU Studio, Tricaster, Stream Deck, CuePilot, Loopic, LiveOS, Tellyo, Coral Bay, etc.
Broadcast Ready : Transition logic, SDI/NDI outputs, MOS integration, NRCS, MAM/DAM integration
Professional Support : Our team of graphics experts can support with integration, custom graphics, and production design. Talk to us.
SPX Cloud - Your SPX, but in the cloud
One of SPX's advantages is the ability to seamlessly move from an on-prem environment to the cloud. Moving data and workflow across environments is easy, giving you a freedom in graphics workflow setup like never before.
We will take care of managing your cloud instance so you can focus on what is important.
Choose from our flexible plans to suit your exact use case : timeframe, compute power, degree of support.

For Zoom power-users, enterprise brands, and Zoom event producers
SPX Graphics for Zoom
Way more than Zoom backgrounds!
Control branding and meeting efficiency graphics with our Zoom-native plugin.
No separate software needed, just add the app to Zoom and start using right away.
The app is FREE to use and offer solutions to companies looking to upgrade their Zoom experience.

For connecting Graphic Developers and Graphic End-Users
HTML Graphics Marketplace
The marketplace for selling and buying anything HTML Graphics
Find professionally made templates, related software, and more.
For developers, reach an audience of broadcasters and streamers who are always on the lookout for the highest quality graphics.
For end-users, find a vast pool of templates and talents that can help make your graphics workflow more effective.